A Day Without email. How your Multigenerational Team would React?


Multigenerational team members will react differently to the “day without email” proposal

In the professional world where technology is omnipresent, we as project and program managers are used to tying our personal and professional lives to technology and gadgets like smart phones, tablets, GPS, etc.

As a result, some organizations are trying a “day without email” on Fridays and/or weekends to encourage more face-to-face and phone contact with customers and colleagues. How do you think this would be received in a project with a multigenerational team?

The multigenerational team

For baby boomer and silent generation team members, face-to-face may be a preferred communication method. But for members of Gen Y, not communicating by email may make them feel like a fish out of water because of their preference for virtual communication.

As the “day without email” idea progresses gradually, employees in these organizations are probably realizing that business functions are about human relationships. This is an opportunity to foster a coaching environment in which Gen X and Gen Y will be able to hone their interpersonal skills supported by senior project team members.

For those project team members who use technology frequently, discuss alternatives that will reduce the dependency of email in their daily activities.

How much does your multigenerational team depend on technology for your daily activities? How would your multigenerational team survive the “day without email” policy? Would you enjoy having a day free of email?

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