Cultural Competence

Cultural Competence was a topic of discussion in the magazine  Strategic Diversity & Inclusion Management published the article co-authored by Mercedes Martin & Billy Vaughn in 2007 where

“Cultural competence refers to an ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. Cultural competence comprises four components: (a) Awareness of one’s own cultural worldview, (b) Attitude towards cultural differences, (c) Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and (d) cross-cultural skills. Developing cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures.”

Cultural Competence


As projects reach globalization, culture plays a critical role during the project execution. In our role as project managers, the cultural risk needs to be identified as well as its associated mitigation plan. Developing cross cultural competences in today’s world is a must and should include the understanding and adapting to different, communication properly across cultures and avoiding stereotypes.

Project managers should prepare in advance and know the cultural environment that they will be facing to avoid odd situations.

Cultural Competence Should be Exercised by Presidents Too

In 2011, President Barack Obama suffered an awkward moment during a banquet at Buckingham Palace when he broke royal protocol by speaking over the national anthem. The US President had just begun proposing a toast to the Queen when the orchestra accidentally struck up God Save The Queen. However, rather than pause and continue the speech after the music had stopped, Mr Obama pressed on only to be rebuffed when he raised his glass to the monarch.

The Queen did not seem to take offence at the mishap and appeared to stifle an embarrassed smile. Protocol demands that people stand to attention when the national anthem is played.

President Obama was  criticized by many TV talk shows and news anchors across the United States and perhaps around the world.

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